Devastating! has confirmed that it’s over, again, between Sienna Miller and Jude Law. The Pretty. It died. Which could explain why Jude looked like this the other day. He needs her for the full pretty. Without her, the Pretty isn’t the same.
As we mourn the Pretty, forgive me while, um, I take the time to gloat. Because, well, even though my Photo Assumption is almost always baseless, sometimes you just get a feeling about things…especially when your smutty senses are tingling, and my smutty senses are particularly attuned to Gossip Girls like Sienna.
I wrote about Sienna & Jude on January 4th with the following Photo Assumption observation:
So all is right in their world, yes?
This is when it’s most fun playing Photo Assumption, our favourite game, drawing conclusions based only on images. And Photo Assumption says there’s a look about Sienna now, something in her face. While the non-gossip, Photo Assumption neophyte would simply attribute that to jetlag, or Jude’s hideous ass pants (I guess he was travelling after all), the smuttier among us would identify Sienna’s expression as… boredom.
This is a girl who lives on intensity, who thrives on anxiety, who exists best when the sh-t is crazy. It’s been months, followed by months, of calm in her life. I’ve seen her look like this before. Then she left Rhys Ifans.
Click here to see those photos, see the restless in her face. It was coming.
The bad news then is that the Pretty is over. The good news? A single Sienna is always great for business. Like, imagine Sienna Miller and, say, Gerard Butler? Oh please. Bring that please and soon.
Photo from Kevin Mazur/