Can’t explain it…am obsessed with Savannah Miller. Here are Sienna and Savannah holding hands in NYC yesterday on tour promoting Twenty8Twelve.

Am told that Sienna could not be sweeter and more genuinely willing to heap credit and praise for the line on Savannah. At the launch party in London last week, it was all she could do she to make sure people knew that her sister was the talent behind the designs, that Savannah is deserving of any and all praise for the creations without a hint of overkill or contrivance.

Don’t know why but that moves my dark smutty heart a little. Maybe because I don’t have siblings. Or maybe I’m just still drunk. No matter – Sienna and Savannah are expected in Toronto this weekend for Twenty8Twelve at Holt Renfrew. Interestingly enough…Jude Law is in town as well.

And so is Viggo Mortensen. Viggo is SO Sienna’s type, non? I’m telling you, if they meet… sparks will fly.
