Consistency, in my opinion, is the most important word to consider when attempting to make a life change (such as trying to lose weight). I can not tell you how many times I have had people say to me that they have been trying to lose weight and months in they are not seeing any results. Here is the thing – if you are consistent in your attempt to make change then you will see results, no question. And until you become aware that your current lifestyle pattern of being “good” for 3 days, then falling of the wagon for a week and then trying again is delivering very minimal results.
Where most people fail is they look for the quick fix, something that they can do for a few days or a few weeks and achieve maximum results. The problem with this strategy is usually the required changes are so drastic that most give up after a few days and go back to living how they were before. If you are someone who has never been consistent with exercise, do not attempt to workout every day as you WILL fail. Start small, a few days a week, and build from there.
Be aware of any exercise program promising quick results, as it is not possible. If someone tells you that they have lost so much weight doing this or doing that, it is not the program itself that is creating the changes but rather the consistency of the program. It really does not matter what you are doing for exercise, as long as you are moving and you move consistently. Of course, if you want to learn how to run taking a Zumba class would not be your best option. However, if your main goal is to be healthy and stay fit then simply getting up and challenging yourself for 30-60 minutes everyday is all you really have to do.
Same thing applies to nutrition as you can not cut out everything you enjoy from your diet cold turkey. Start with a few changes, such as drinking more water and eating less sugar, and build on it from there. Again, if a diet is promising you quick results, stay away! Anyone who is successful in losing weight is doing so because they are consistent with making small changes over a long period of time.
Do not expect to change everything at once and do not expect to go from a size 12 to a size 8 over night. It takes time, consistency and hard work. So don’t just think about the idea of making change -- make it and stay consistent with it. You might just surprise yourself how easy it really is.
Attached -- Orlando Bloom leaving a workout.