Last night I watched my cousin play hockey across the street from my apartment and any chance I get to watch my cousins play sports I jump at.  As soon as I walked in I noticed a woman running up and down the stairs, working her way through six laps around the arena.  When she was finished I went over and asked her to tell me about her workout.

She told me that every Monday night she has to drive her son to hockey practice (which is a 20 minute drive for her) and instead of sitting down and watching the practice she uses the hour to get in her (free) workout.  Since she has been doing this she said more and more moms are joining her.  Now this woman was in kick ass shape but I did notice other moms who were not nearly as fit doing the stairs also, just at a much slower pace.  She said they all start and finish together but do the workout at their own pace and all have seen improvements in their weight and their fitness.

I have talked about this before -- getting in your workouts when you have time (like when your child is doing their activity) but this is the first time I have seen someone really working hard and loving it.  I challenge all of you out there who love to be involved in your child’s activities to do the same and use the time you would normally sit around and watch your child be healthy to be healthy yourself.  You can run or walk the stairs in the hockey arena, walk or jog around the track that circles the football field, walk around the soccer or field hockey field or use the fitness room at the recreation center. Not only will you be doing something good for you but you will be setting a positive example for your child.

I was so inspired that I have decided to join her every Monday night at 8:20 for an hour of stairs.  Even if you do not have a child practicing (or kids at all) who says you can’t use places like an arena to get in your workout?  You will just need to check with the staff and see if it is ok to use the facility. It’s a great way to get in a workout in a safe, dry and cool environment. 

Attached -- Melanie Griffith leaving yoga.