Michelle Williams in Valentino for Elle UK and it is stunning. I love love love the almost-white blonde shade of her hair. And how she can wear something so delicate and look like a grown-up. She’s youthful and feminine and serious and mysterious – this is muse territory. Do you know how many actresses kill themselves to try and create this kind of aura and don’t even get close?



#MichelleWilliams in #springsummer15 for @elleuk

A photo posted by Valentino (@maisonvalentino) on


Gwen Stefani is going to be on Sesame Street! I love that she is so into this.



Is this happening?!! #sesametakesla #elmo gx

A photo posted by Gwen Stefani (@gwenstefani) on


Ed Westwick’s looking like a perv problem hasn’t gone away. But I guess it’s not a problem if you’ve built a career on it.



1982 The Sunset Strip #LACRIME

A photo posted by Ed Westwick (@edwestwick) on


Calvin Harris is with Jesus (but where’s Taylor Swift?).




A photo posted by Calvin Harris (@calvinharris) on


Chrissy Teigen is hosting this year’s Billboard Music Awards with Ludacris. If you follow her on Twitter, you know that when she gets nervous about a public appearance she has a few drinks, so this should be fun. (It will definitely be more entertaining than the Grammys.)



The @buzzfeed offices are the best offices #NEWGOOGLE

A photo posted by @chrissyteigen on


Do you know Chet Hanx (aka Chet Haze aka Chester M. Hanks), the super hardcore rapper son of Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson? He’s trying to start a Twitter feud with Howard Stern, who makes fun of him (it’s an easy target). Chet is going off about Howard’s “white yuppie” audience and how he’s going to assault Howard. I wonder if Tom and Rita know he’s a little dickhead or if they are hoping it’s just a phase. Can you grow out of privilege? (He took down the most threatening posts but I took screenshots last night because I knew he would be a little punk about it.)