Steven Tyler weighs in on #penisgate – the most important wardrobe malfunction of the year.



A photo posted by Lenny Kravitz (@lennykravitz) on


But for Zoe Kravitz, that’s her dad talking about his dick.


😑 @chelsannat • @lennykravitz • @iamstevent • sigh • #sorryispelledurnamewrong • Chelsea• #fatfingers•

A photo posted by Zoë Kravitz (@zoeisabellakravitz) on


Chelsea Handler and Jennifer Aniston share a hair stylist.


@chrismcmillan this little doozy cuts my hair. All of it.

A photo posted by Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) on


Lea Michele is trying out some “new cuisine”! If Lea worked in an office, her cubicle would have the “Hang in there, Baby” motivational cat poster hanging on the wall. And she’d organize lunchtime office chair yoga and send mass emails about it and get really pissy if no one joined.


Can you imagine how long Matthew’s “congratulations” toast went on for?

James Franco’s literary humblebrag.


Oh, You know, just hangin' between FORD, FORESTER, and FRANZEN. (I'm sure they're thrilled 😆😆😆)

A photo posted by James Franco (@jamesfrancotv) on


An excerpt from Mindy Kaling’s upcoming book, Why Not Me? She makes an excellent point about serving wine and cheese at a fancy party. Where’s the food? Oh and there’s some stuff about self-confidence, too.

“Some day somebody’s gonna make you wanna turn around and say goodbye…” Let’s enjoy this ear worm together today.


Fitness + babysitting @chynna_phillips

A photo posted by Hailey Baldwin (@haileybaldwin) on


Ugh, fine. Nice shot Adam Levine.


No biggie.

A video posted by Adam Levine (@adamlevine) on