Julia Roberts in all her glory. Toothy grin? Check. Flowing red hair? Check. Glassy eyes? Check. I can practically hear the honking goose laugh through my computer screen.


Jess and Jerry support their friend, Ali Wentworth’s new book, Happily Ali After. I completely forgot that she played Jerry’s girlfriend in the “schmoopy” episode of Seinfeld.


Everyone is doing it....(except Javier🐈)....#HAPPILYALIAFTER. In bookstores now. πŸ’–Ali Wentworth πŸ‘­πŸ’–

A photo posted by Jessica Seinfeld (@jessseinfeld) on


This sneaker tongue will beat your ass up.


Yes we get it, bitch you’re Madonna.


Britney’s new bob. So much fresher than extensions.


My new haircut! βœ‚οΈ

A photo posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on


Not even Oprah can control the weather; rain interrupted her picnic pool party. Still a billionaire, though.


I'm soaking wet from the rain but the kids love it. Still in the pool.

A photo posted by Oprah (@oprah) on


Lena Dunham sends some love to New York, Taylor Swift and an off-camera dick.


As Lainey mentioned in today’s intro, the Beyhive is not pleased. Will this swimsuit picture calm the hive? (The bathing suit is Stella McCartney.)


A photo posted by Beyoncé (@beyonce) on


Lindsey Vonn posted this workout video and tagged Drake. Interesting.


A video posted by Lindsey Vonn (@lindseyvonn) on