Julia Roberts in all her glory. Toothy grin? Check. Flowing red hair? Check. Glassy eyes? Check. I can practically hear the honking goose laugh through my computer screen.
Jess and Jerry support their friend, Ali Wentworth’s new book, Happily Ali After. I completely forgot that she played Jerry’s girlfriend in the “schmoopy” episode of Seinfeld.
This sneaker tongue will beat your ass up.
Yes we get it, bitch you’re Madonna.
Britney’s new bob. So much fresher than extensions.
Not even Oprah can control the weather; rain interrupted her picnic pool party. Still a billionaire, though.
Lena Dunham sends some love to New York, Taylor Swift and an off-camera dick.
As Lainey mentioned in today’s intro, the Beyhive is not pleased. Will this swimsuit picture calm the hive? (The bathing suit is Stella McCartney.)
Lindsey Vonn posted this workout video and tagged Drake. Interesting.