Julie Taylor is a student of Hogwarts. Last night I was texting Lainey about The Wizarding World of Harry Potter experience opening at Universal Studios Hollywood. I need a wand!


It's going to cost a fortune in baggage fees! #wizardingworldofharrypotter #HogwartsExpress

A photo posted by Aimeè Teegarden (@aimeeteegarden) on


Nicole Richie supports professional bestie Sophia Rossi.


John Legend eating Chrissy Teigen’s cornbread. (Her recipes are amazing and I can’t wait for her cookbook. Until then, make the chipotle marinade, since Wednesday’s are such a “chicken for dinner” night. I promise it’s so good.) 



A photo posted by @chrissyteigen on


Leah Remini’s selfie cookies. I spy JLo’s topknot.


Okay... A selfie cookie is pretty cute! My daughter just stuck her finger in one of them... But still cute!

A photo posted by Leah Remini (@leahremini) on


Nicki Minaj went to Chanel.


Fuckin up a check check check check check check check โœ…

A photo posted by Nicki Minaj (@nickiminaj) on


The Man Repeller tells Lena Dunham why fashion is “so Hasidic” right now. (Hint: Everywhere you look, everywhere you go…).