Don’t skip this. Just a few short thoughts before you click away:

It’s not about football. It’s about relationships. And family. And great television. So what’s the problem???

January 16th is Friday Night.

Hell yeah.

Season 3. Friday Night Lights.

It’s back!

On NBC in the US and in Canada for those of you who’ve been asking – Global at 9pm. WATCH.

Even if you cheated and streamed the episodes online, and I know you did, you must watch.


Because you have to make it count, so that it comes back.

For those of you who’ve been good and have waited patiently – I promise, I PROMISE, Season 3 is like Season 1. Just as intense, just as heartbreaking, just as uplifting, just as poignant, poetic, and perfect.

Smash will crush you, Lyla and Riggins will… I can’t even go there… because Lyla and Riggins, like I get breathless. Grandma will make you want to punch her, and Tami and Eric…

Tami and Eric are …everything.

This show is everything.

See you on Friday night.

PS. Taylor Kitsch – new interview with NY Magazine. He will own 2009. Trust.


Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose