Latino Review has posted a brand new promo photo of Taylor Kitsch as Gambit.


This of course is leading up to the release of Wolverine just 2 months away. Twentieth Century Fox is beginning aggressive promotion for the film this weekend on FOX beginning on Sunday with new clips and teasers designed to fuel frenzied anticipation. Click here for more details.

As for Taylor, well, it’s Friday night. Which means it’s time to watch.

Are you watching?

You MUST watch.

Tim and Lyla’s storyline starts to move front and centre now that Smash has – sob! – left Dillon.

Amazing article here written by Gaius Charles about his FNL experience will bring you, as usual where FNL is involved, to tears.

One day, one day they will look back, and they will finally see the brilliance of this show. And they will be sad that they neglected it. And we will say – we told you so.