Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris, her longest boyfriend of record, have broken up after 15 months of blissful social media PDA. According to PEOPLE’s multiple sources, "There was no drama. Things just don't work out sometimes." Things Just Don’t Work Out Sometimes is the name of Taylor’s new single.
E! further explained that the split happened a week ago. E!’s source says it was Calvin (real name: Adam Wiles) who pulled the plug.
"Taylor and Adam had no big blowout fight, but the romance just was not there anymore for them. Adam is the one that ended it. It was all done in a very mature fashion. Taylor is pretty upset but they are still in communication. Taylor was there for Adam with his accident and supportive."
The accident that they are referring to is the car accident Calvin Harris was involved in recently. He was pretty banged up and had to cancel a few shows. So, it sounds like someone in Calvin’s camp wanted to get it out there first that he was the one who broke up with her.
Like every celebrity breakup, the most interesting parts will play out in the coming weeks. The “Where Did it Go Wrong” pieces have started rolling in. Apparently, Taylor has already deleted some Instagram posts relating to Calvin (thanks Joanna!).
Hate to admit I noticed, but Taylor definitely deleted that Instagram of her looking up at Coachella Calvin Harris like a holy roller.
— Michael O'Connell (@mikeylikestv) June 2, 2016
You know sh-t’s officially over when posts start getting pulled. That’s the 2016 version of burning your ex’s favourite t-shirt. They’re probably never, ever, getting back together. I’m sorry. I had to.
While the sources say that there’s “no drama” between Swift and Harris, we all know Taylor Swift. She doesn’t break up quietly. We know Joe Jonas broke up with her in a 27-second phone call. We know the details of her tumultuous affair with John ‘ew, gross’ Mayer. We know about that time she went to Maggie Gyllenhaal’s house for Thanksgiving and that Jake couldn’t handle the attention. 1989 is basically a guide to her split with Harry Styles. Those photos of Taylor drifting away on a boat have immortalized her breakup with Harry.
I can’t wait for the Calvin Harris equivalent of the boat-drifting photos. (Lainey: will it be a swan-drifting so lonesome in her pool?!?)