That Friends “reunion-but-not-really” happened last night at the taping of director James Burrows’s tribute and now we have a photo of the Friends without Matthew Perry, who’s doing a play in London, with cast members from Big Bang Theory.


Ummmm NIGHT MADE. Can't breathe #friends meets #bbt @bigbangtheory_cbs I died and went to heaven

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Ross, Joey, Rachel, Monica, Phoebe were all present. My first thought, and you tell me whether or not this is a sh-tty first thought, is that I’m afraid to look at Jennifer Aniston’s outfit in full, especially right after that seat-filler dress she wore to Critics’ Choice last week.

About this Friends “reunion” though and the misplaced excitement it generated…

Have you watched Friends lately? Let me ask this again: does it hold up for you?

It doesn’t hold up for me. In fact, at times I find myself cringing, especially at all the gay jokes. I heard though that it’s still popular on college campuses so … are college kids laughing at those parts? Or are they, like, we’re just here for the outfits but otherwise those old people from the 1990s and 2000s were super lame?

In other Jennifer Aniston news, she planned a party for one of her friends this weekend and all the popular people showed up including the Nicole Richie crew and Leonardo DiCaprio. Click here for more details. Meanwhile it seems like Justin Theroux was in New York enjoying the record snowstorm, according to his Instagram.


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Trending...Cold New York is so hot right now. #weatheractingsomesseduptowardsus @zoolander @donatari_69

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