Remember that discussion topic from a few weeks back? Click here for a refresher. On chick lit and chick flicks and their brain-numbing effects? Those who argued in favour of chick flit contended that you need something “light”. Agreed. But light doesn’t have to be dumb, does it?

Hello Tina Fey.

Tina Fey writes, she produces, she acts, she doesn"t spew garbage from The Secret, she"s not sitting on some kind of Lotus rock memorising Eat, Pray, Love, she"s not brainwashing a flock of lambs into voting for her favourite candidate...

Tina Fey is perfect. And every movie should be like Mean Girls. And every show should be like 30 Rock. And if light and fun but not dumb is what you’re after, then show up for Tina Fey on April 25th when Baby Mama is released. Otherwise, we’ll be stuck with reality tv and Ebola Hilton and the girls of The Hills in perpetuity.

Here’s Tina on the cover of the new issue of Entertainment Weekly. Article is a great read. And my favourite quote, just because I’ve been bitching about Kate Hudson’s silly Bride Wars so much lately:

"There"s so much weirdness and emotion about (fertility). If you start with something juicy, you end up with a better [movie] than if you just start with some jokes. And Amy (Poehler) liked that it did not have anything to do with a goddamn wedding.""


Click here for the full EW article and don’t forget… Baby Mama April 25th.