Iain, my friend and (unofficial) Madonna archivist, reminded me this morning…
It’s the 25th anniversary of Madonna’s Vogue.
25 years ago today, Madonna released one of her most iconic songs. It’s a long list of iconic songs. But if you’re making a list of iconic Madonna songs, there’s NO argument about this one. Like, I would argue for Lucky Star and you might say, nah, not Lucky Star, we only have 10 spots, but Vogue? Vogue is indisputable.
During her amazing Howard Stern interview last week (click here for a refresher), Howard posited that Truth Or Dare was the grandmother of reality television. M agreed. She took credit for it. Because it’s a legitimate hypothesis. Do you remember all the dancers in Katy Perry videos? Do you know them by name, the ones who appear with Lady Gaga, or Britney, or Justin Timberlake? Several of them?
Reality television makes stars out of the background. Which is what happened with Truth Or Dare. I fell in love with Oliver. I was devastated when I found out Gabriel died. Slam, Jose, and Luis were the original Mean Girls. They were real personalities. And all of that is part of the Vogue legacy.
Speaking of Slam and Jose…
Don’t just stand there…