We always joke about how even the most minor celebrities can stay famous forever in Europe and it’s especially evident during Cannes where they’ll let even that pathetic Phoebe Price on the carpet and shoot her like it’s a household name. Over there, all you need is a shameless publicist. But that’s nothing compared to celebrity longevity in Japan. 

In Japan, Tom Cruise will live forever. 

In Japan, they’ll probably embalm him when the time comes and build a mausoleum where they can honour him in perpetuity. 

In Japan, Top Gun is watched on national holidays. 

So here he is arriving in Japan yesterday, greeted at the airport by screaming Hello Kitties, before hitting the carpet tonight with Cameron Diaz to promote Knight & Day. Can’t believe he didn’t blow that sh-t up arriving on a motorcycle, or getting dropped by parachute at the venue. 

I really do like his hair this length though. And it looks like he’s really into this style, is sticking with it: V-neck sweater over a button down and jeans. Very J Crew. Wasn’t Katie Holmes modelling for them recently? Pretty soon it’ll be the official uniform of all Scientologists. 

Photos from Scott Larson/Splashnewsonline.com