Everyone loves Little Sci. Which is why her daddy keeps trotting her out for public consumption – can you hear the MiniVan oohing and goo-ing? 

This is the Family Cruise today in London out for a walk in Hyde Park. Mom, dad, baby... it’s like a Sears Family Portrait, only with the paps. Totally unplanned, of course.

Something about Katie and the way she’s wearing her shades – very Jackie O. And so very Scientological Camelot. Too bad her husband isn’t nearly as dashing as the President, though full points to Tom for trying. He just looks so terribly awkward in his clothes, you know? 

KatE on the other hand is modeling a beautiful coat. And a very thin frame. And the hair is growing on me. You?

PS. Connor and Isabella have been underground for a long, long time now. Wonder if Xenu teen training will be complete by the time Christmas rolls around? We"re overdue for a full family photo op, non? 

Photos from Wenn