In a new interview with Parade magazine, Tom Cruise gives us some insight into why he ran running to the aliens. Turns out he had a sh*tty father: "He was a bully and a coward. He was the person where, if something goes wrong, they kick you. It was a great lesson in my life -- how he"d lull you in, make you feel safe and then, bang! For me it was like, "There"s something wrong with this guy. Don"t trust him. Be careful around him. There"s that anxiety." Probably the best thing he’s done from a PR perspective in a long, long time. And while it certainly won’t erase the nauseating memories of Oprah’s couch or the way he and his fiancée can’t stop pawing each other on the red carpet, it does explain how he became such a disturbing freak. At Covenant House, we see kids every day who suffer from abuse and neglect, young people who have never heard a positive word of encouragement in their entire lives. Thank Goddess we are here to help and provide for them. It’s just too bad we weren’t able to do the same for Tommy way back when. Perhaps if he had accessed the services of our Drop-in Centre, he might not have been so vulnerable to the extraterrestrial powers of the mighty Church. Perhaps if he had talked to one of our youth workers, he would have come to be proud of his inner fairy, even letting her come outside and play once in a while. Perhaps if he had stayed in our Crisis Shelter, he would have truly understood the benefits of psychiatric support and counseling instead of trashing a recognized practice and belittling the people who seek help. Perhaps if all this had happened, Katie Holmes could have been saved. But sadly, gossips, sadly for us, we didn’t catch him in time. And as a result, as a result of Papa Cruise’s horrible parenting, we are left with Little Sci and an uncertain future. Sigh. What of the days to come, you ask? Well, as Tom said himself in Germany this weekend: "First the baby, then the film. Then, in summer, we want to get married. I won"t let this woman get away." Doesn’t that pretty much sum things up? Oh – and in case you’re wondering - I’ve heard April 8th is delivery day. Will keep you posted.