Simon Pegg looked weary, but very stylish, last night as he arrived in Vancouver to resume work on Mission Impossible 4. I can’t wait to see Paul. Paul is due out in March (February in the UK). Have you watched the trailer? It’s below. Shaun of the Dead was on my flight back a few weeks ago. I STILL laugh my Chinese ass off.

Also arriving in Vancouver for MI4 – Mikael Nyqvist, better known as Mikael “Kalle” Blomkvist from The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo movies. Apparently he’s to be a villain.

And what of Ethan Hunt himself?


I’m told exclusively that Tom Cruise came in on Tuesday on a private jet. He rolls like an uber VIP. Was met in the hangar by a fleet of luxury vehicles, but these were only for the entourage. Turns out he prefers to ride the bus. A crazy tour bus more elaborately tricked out than Bono’s. For real.

Cruise went straight from the private airfield to the studio, has worked in studio for two straight days, and travels super secret undercover... like an arms dealer in Vin Diesel movie. He is seen and out only when he wants to be. And when the time is right Vancouver, he will give you the privilege of spending time with him. It’ll be as public as possible. And he’ll be as gracious and as “accessible” a celebrity as you’ve ever seen. With several armed guards standing by just in case.

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