Valkyrie premiere in Tokyo –Tom Cruise looking sharp in a well cut suit giving the Hello Kitties something to live for. Check out the trademark jaw clench taken in profile. Someone wrote to me the other day that he’s starting to resemble SnapFace Renee Zellweger. Totally. But I don’t think Renee goes to Brazil. Brazilian work is usually MUCH better.
So anyway, shockingly enough, he does not appear to be accompanied by Robo Katie Holmes.
Well, he didn’t need her anyway. Because he had the Weepy Fan there. Always a Weepy Fan. That woman was apparently overcome with emotion at finally having the opportunity to see and touch the one and only super hero movie star Tom Cruise!
She was crying and he was wiping the tears off her face – is that hygienic? – and she gave him flowers and he hugged her and she kept breaking down and finally even he was like ok, Hello Kitty, you need to calm the f-ck down but how could he possibly expect her to calm the f-ck down during the moment she’s been waiting for her whole life? And now they’re finally together, with only an iron railing between them – how could she be calm? Not possible!
Photos from Scott Larson/