Tom Hardy continues to work on Legend in London. It was evidently a wedding scene today, Emily Browning as the bride. She had to pop out for a cigarette during break. I’m not supposed to say this but I love seeing a smoking bride. Because the image is so offensive to some people. Like on my wedding day, in my white dress, when I popped out for a drag, my ma was apoplectic.
Anyway, thank you for your emails and tweets in support of The Bodyguard remake project featuring Tom Hardy as Frank Farmer. It’s starting to feel real to me. And I don’t understand why any of those actors would turn down the opportunity. Like, don’t you think Ellen Page would want to be Rihanna’s driver? And don’t you think Seth Rogen would love being dragged across a kitchen counter face-first by Tom Hardy?
Tom actually might be the only issue. Maybe he’d consider The Bodyguard too “light”. To that I say “f-ck it”. Everybody knows you can act and transform and be serious. Just…give us this.
This is for Jackie who is ending things where they began, 25 years ago. The money is nothing. The freedom is what matters. Congratulations and go to the UK sooner if you can. You will not regret it.