There are a few of you out there who email me on a semi-regular basis to share your secret, shameful longing for this man. And I admit, I used to see the off kilter appeal. He"s dirty, he"s wild, he"s a quintessential bad boy, and for those of who have seen the famous video, he has certainly demonstrated that he knows what to do with his magic wand. However, I"m sorry to have to report that Tommy"s life is catching up with him. There is grungy sexy…and then there"s just rough and old. And if you take a look at these photos from Sundance, I think we can all agree that Tommy is rotting from the inside out. In fact, at this rate, I"d say he"s just a shade above Marc Anthony - one step away from having infected puss oozing out from his skin. Blech. Are you girls sure you still want to hit this???"