Britney, Kevin, and BooBoo play happy family
Us Weekly apparently stole these "private" photos of the Family Federline as we"ve never seen them. You will note that Britney looks curiously attractive here with no discernable foundation melting off her face or eyelashes that are threatening to take on a life of their own. Kevin is also remarkably "father" like, managing to keep his middle finger and his thug pout firmly at bay, which is why little Sean Preston probably looks so stunned in that one photo of him in the stroller. That kid is chubb delight!
Gossips, forgive me if I give this Cleaver moment a free pass today. If I wasn"t so focused on spewing all over Tori Spelling, I"d gladly take a stab at your favourite target. But today, we have a homewrecking, mother slanderer to deal with and all my energies are focused there.
However…um…can I just be a spoiled little sh*t for second? Can I direct your attention to the photo where Britney has SPF on the bed in what appears to be a hotel room? So, like, I"m not the kind of person who can afford to roll first class and stay at the Ritz or anything but what"s with the Best Western thing she"s got goin" on here? Hey - don"t get me wrong. Best Western has my name written all over it but you"d think the Federlines could afford a Holiday Inn, at the very, very least, non? Just asking...