Some people are seriously delusional. Like…BADLY delusional. So delusional it’s almost offensive.

So it was reported today that the CW is planning a 90210 spin-off, trying to capitalise on the success of Gossip Girl. Am all over it. We all need some more West Beverly.

When asked about the news this morning on a chat show while promoting her “memoir”, that homewreckerTori Spelling expressed interest in joining the cast because in her words:

"Every teen drama needs a MILF, right?"

MILF = Mother I’d Like to F&CK.

Connie Britton is a MILF. Hells yeah. Demi Moore is a MILF. Susan Sarandon is a MILF.

But Tori Spelling??? Tori f*cking Spelling???

Tori Spelling is absolutely NOT a MILF. Tori Spelling is a bank account you close your eyes and TRY to f*ck without gagging. THAT is Tori Spelling.

But you see how clever that KFed Jr is? Not only because he had the intestinal fortitude to knock that sh*t up twice, but also because he’s so accomplished a liar that he managed to convince her that she’s more Cindy Crawford than Donatella Versace.

Cindy is a MILF. And now Tori believes she too is a MILF.

Bitch… please!

Here’s the Mangle-face I Wouldn’t Like to F&ck at her book signing the other day. Can you believe she actually had a few takers?

Who are these people???
