The real test is next weekend. Because everyone who desperately needed to see Twilight would have seen it already. So can its momentum be sustained? Considering it took $30 million to make and another $30 million to market, the film’s $70+ million total to date isn’t all that impressive. Yet. However, industry insiders predict Twilight will continue to roll as fangirls and superfreak fanmoms are seeing it three, four, five times…pitting Edward and Bella against Hugh Jackman and Granny Freeze in Australia this week. And even though the Mighty Opes loved the movie and gave it her powerful endorsement, Australia is far from a slamdunk.

Battle of the holiday box office…who wins?

As for Robert Pattinson, the current king of the box office, here he is in LA today after a business meeting, trying to slip out the back door but unable to hide from the paps. Or maybe that was the point. He was after all visiting the firm handling Twilight marketing. It’s only a quick phone call. Must feed the masses.

As mentioned earlier, New Moon has already been given the go ahead. Rob himself said the script was already complete which could be bullsh-t because he hilariously likes to talk out of his ass sometimes in interviews. Am told that they were considering combining New Moon and Eclipse into one movie, especially since Edward is barely in the second book which consists mostly of Bella weeping and collapsing on the beach. Ugh.

Rob’s contract is confirmed as a 3 movie deal and if you believe this theory, Breaking Dawn would round it out although it remains to be seen if that idea gets around Stephenie Meyer’s massive ego. If the New Moon script is indeed in place, shooting could begin as early as February, same schedule as Twilight, with a release again next November. God help us all.

Meanwhile, Robert and Kristen will soon embark on a European promotional tour but not before his appearance on The Tonight Show on Wednesday.

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