Last Wednesday Tyler Clementi jumped off the George Washington Bridge. He was only 18 years old, a student at Rutgers. His roommate and some other dumbass taped him via webcam having sex with a man. Then they streamed the video online. Tyler died, literally, of embarrassment.

Many contend that he would not have suffered the same fate if he was not gay. That he’d probably be celebrated instead if he was f-cking some girl. I agree.

And then 50 Cent at about midnight last night tweeted this:

If you a man and your over 25 and you don't eat pu**y just kill your self damn it. The world will be a better place. Lol

It’s being interpreted as a homophobic remark, especially given his homophobic track record. He may have simply been stating however that straight men should go down more on their women. But this goes back to that “once a cheater...” point I was making the other day about David Beckham – I’m more inclined to believe the assumption when you’ve given me reason to in the past.

I have heard from many of you today expressing grief about Tyler’s death.

Please click here and here if you’d like to help prevent the next. Thanks Joan!

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