Not sure about these poses Tyra Banks was throwing down last night at Teen Choice. Or that, um, her leather jumpsuit was the best selection on the carpet. But that’s not really why Tyra made the blog today. Tyra made the blog today because Jessica sent me something crazy the other day and I needed to find a way, with photos, to include it.

She wrote a book.

I’ll give you a minute to process that.

Tyra’s book is called Modelland. Well of course it is. Modelland will be released in September. It’s available for pre-order right now. What’s it about? Oh, I’m so glad you asked:

“No one gets in without being asked. And with her untamable hair, large forehead, and gawky body, Tookie De La Crème isn’t expecting an invitation. Modelland—the exclusive, mysterious place on top of the mountain—never dares to make an appearance in her dreams.

But someone has plans for Tookie. Before she can blink her mismatched eyes, Tookie finds herself in the very place every girl in the world obsesses about. And three unlikely girls have joined her.

Only seven extraordinary young women become Intoxibellas each year. Famous. Worshipped. Magical. What happens to those who don’t make it? Well, no one really speaks of that. Some things are better left unsaid.

Thrown into a world where she doesn’t seem to belong, Tookie glimpses a future that could be hers—if she survives the beastly Catwalk Corridor and terrifying Thigh-High Boot Camp. Or could it? Dark rumors like silken threads swirl around the question of why Tookie and her new friends were selected . . . and the shadows around Modelland hide sinister secrets.

Are you ready? Modelland is waiting for you. . . .”
- from the publisher

Do you want to die now? No? Well then you should read the first chapter.

If sashaying became writing, this would be it. Tyra Banks, sashay-writer.

Quick! Sh-t vs Diarrhoea: who writes worse? Tyra Banks or Hilary Duff?

Please also note, hilariously, that according to the Barnes & Noble Modelland page, “people who bought (Modelland) also bought The Help”, which, well, that’s a little harsh, but as I’ve said over and over again, The Help was so medium, considering its overwhelming hype, it’s hard for me to defend it.

Oh and scroll down for a review comment near the bottom. This one made me really happy:

“i do not recomend this book. i am dissapoited in this book.This is a rip off of harry potter.”

Why aren’t we more worried about the DUMB that is spreading so quickly?

Photos from