It’s Vanessa Hudgens up to her twatty tricks again.
Out and about in Beverly Hills yesterday and suddenly very offended by the paps,
Really Vanessa Hudgens? Really?
Will you remember Vanessa Hudgens in 3 years? Do you even remember her now?
14 year olds have short attention spans. The ones who are screaming for her now won’t give a sh*t in 6 months. Zac Efron won’t need her as soon as he solidifies his film career.
As such, Vanessa Hudgens needs the paps. She needs the blogs. She needs every f&cking last square inch of gossip real estate she can get.
So give it up you ungrateful little bitch My 5 year old niece owns you. The playschool down the street owns you. The birthday party at McDonald's owns you. And Disney girls should know better. Take your hands off your face and sell it. That’s what they do at The Mouse, isn’t it?
Photos from