And this is why I love Victoria Beckham. Touching down at the weekend aboard a British Airways flight, prompting a pappy clusterf*ck at LAX which is quite likely exactly what she was after. I mean, why else would Posh forgo the private jet? You know she doesn’t love the environment, you know she’d rather sit in camel coloured leather seats without having to suffer the indignity of SHARING flight attendants with other passengers, and yet here she is, hopping off a commercial liner as a small village of photographers gathers on the welcome mat, soaking in every flash, the splashiest of arrivals, proving once and for all that… Posh Spice was born for Los Angeles. And Los Angeles Posh went househunting in LA – in a fur coat taking photos with her PDA. Daily Posh in Hollywood – admit it…you love it. Source