Major, major, MAJOR quiveration. And of course she’s airbrushed all over but I have to tell you – they sell it well and they sell it shamelessly. Even if they"re full of sh-t, I totally worship these two together, would be devastated if they ever came apart.

The Beckhams and the highly anticipated shoot for W Magazine.

As you can see, they want America so badly they were willing to go the lengths. He shirtless and sweaty and glistening wearing tight leather pants – be still my loins – and she in various stage of undress, accessorised by her husband in an itty bitty pair of tighty whiteys.

The one with their backs to the camera? With his finger drawing a line down her back? Please. Please don’t tell you didn’t tingle just a little.

The shot of the kiss works too…though I think I speak for all of us when I say I wish it were him facing us. I’d love to see what he looks like mid-snog…if only so I can close my own eyes and pretend.

The Beckhams are coming. July 13th.
