The Daily Heaving Cleave: Patricia Arquette
I know this is wrong…on so many levels. It is wrong…but also so, so, so right.
Because this is NOT Pamela Anderson"s fakies spilling out of a size 0. Or Victoria Beckham"s for that matter. This, my fellow gossips, is Patricia Arquette - all woman, all curves, wonderfully bodacious, amazingly REAL - spilling out of a dress that simply cannot contain her jiggle.
So what if they"re horribly obnoxious??? So what?
These are pillows of beauty, made for fondling, made for soft naps on Sunday mornings, made for worship, made for MAN.
Fierce. Fierce. Fierce.
And while he"s not Freebie 5 material, at least not for me, I totally dig Thomas Jane. Three years ago, we were having sushi at Tojo"s in Vancouver - one of the most famous sushi joints in North America, hailed by Morgan Freeman as his favourite ever, and Thomas Jane was sitting behind us…all by himself, oozing confidence but not conceit, totally unpretentious, sipping a Sapporo, long legs stretched out in front of him. He gave off the coolest vibe. And when he finished, he left an enormous tip, said thank you to everyone and then left as quietly as he came, unnoticed by all but the most hardcore of celebrity junkies.
Patricia and Thomas. Really lovely together. I do hope they make it.