The Beckhams out for dinner earlier this week.
Seriously, I would pay a LOT of money…I mean a LOT of money… for the privilege of observing her out for dinner. To watch her not eat. To watch her watch everyone else but not eat. For two hours of watching her not eating – would be the most fascinating experience, like, ever, don’t you think?
Anyway, am all over this outfit. Am all over the hair. Even the blonde, me likey the blonde. Me likey more his ass. Especially his ass from behind. And the way he’s looking at her in the car with his brow furrowed. All intense and sh-t. Sorry to be crass but that’s how I imagine his expression when…
You know?
Dirty! Dirty! Am so dirty today! Sorry sorry!
PS. Fresh smut just in! I hear Posh has been calling all her A List contacts in America, ordering them to shun Jordan and Peter who are currently courting the pappies in Los Angeles...without too much interest.
I can hear that bitch cackling from here. Hee.