Posh mothers, Posh writes
Damn. Every kid is cuter than the one before - the Beckhams are a great example of my Celebrity Baby Theory, non? And just to clarify: David Hot, Victoria Average. No... much as I love her, I won"t go so far as to say she"s a great beauty. Besides - Victoria is better than a great beauty. Victoria is a great package. Packages are earned, beauties are just blessed. You see the difference?
I do wish she"d get rid of those concrete tits though. Is minger applicable in this situation?
So anyway, about the book - That Extra Half An Inch: Hair, Heels, and Everything in Between is Victoria"s personal style guide due out in October. Check out a very small photo of the cover, thanks to the lovely Julia for sending it along. Word is UK smutters are eagerly anticipating its release, not because they"re foaming at the mouth to read her pearls of fashion wisdom but because her travel schedule in support of the book could take her away from David for longer than they"ve been apart in quite a while. Naturally, the British tabloids are all over this and I"m sure I don"t have to spell out why.
Still…for what it"s worth…I"m continuing to hear from my sources overseas that David is as devoted to his wife as he"s ever been, and that as long as he can stay "unbored", the line will likely be walked. Optimistic? Delusional? Wishful thinking? Yes, yes, yes.
But we all get to choose our fantasies, don"t we? Call me Cruise, but this one"s mine.
Here"s my girl with Cruz traveling back to Madrid for the opening against Villareal. Also one of her in black at the match, and an exlusive sent in from fan who had the chance to meet her there. He said she was strong>"really nice and took time to talk a little and take pictures! She was plastic perfection!"
Well of course she was, darling. Who else does plastic perfect better than Posh?