About a month ago, Us Weekly published an open letter on their website, expositing their frustration with Victoria’s insistence that her nipples be photographed, begging her to wear a better bra.
As you can see, Posh has replied by giving them the finger via her tits – her concrete tits – which arrived in LA at the weekend to seal the deal on the Beckhams’ new Beverly Hills mansion. And this is what kills me about this bitch.
She is wearing a black tank. But instead of wearing a black bra, she chose a flesh coloured one – lighter material underneath shines through with the flash of a pappy bulb, hard nipples front and centre…not on purpose?
Everything with Victoria Beckham is on purpose.
So about the house. Apparently US$22 million and next door to Tom and Katie. Like an escape valve for the Tom’s RoboBride – very encouraging news, non? These are photos floating around of the alleged property – authenticity not confirmed but word is there are 7 bedrooms and a pool and theatre and a tennis court and an open kitchen and six fountains.
I hear she’s desperate to conceive the 4th in this house though rumour has it, she’s having a tough time putting down the ciggies.
Staying deathly thin vs having a baby… tough choice, don’t you think?