Who poses harder than Victoria Beckham? Maybe Lea Michele. Pffft. Can Lea Michele pull of a TABLE POSE though?

God these crack me up.

You didn’t expect Posh to just sit a table without cocking something, did you?

When she poses on a carpet, she cocks the hip. When she poses at the table, the cocks the shoulder. There was a lot of shoulder-cocking happening last night at the London Evening Standard Awards. The shoulder-cocking was apparently so infectious, even Sienna Miller got in on it.

Victoria wore a dress from her own collection which, frankly, was secondary to those earrings. THOSE EARRINGS.

As for Sienna…

This scalloped off the shoulder neckline is a dream. I would never have picked this for on the hanger but she’s styled the sh-t out of that dress with the hair and the makeup and it’s a good groove she’s in right now. A really great fashion groove.