The world has been lamentably Posh-less of late. For some reason, Victoria Beckham has been laying low, perhaps suggesting that she’s a little more realistically self aware than we give her credit for.
But Victoria arrived in London today with Romeo and Cruz looking the best she has in a long time, if not a little…crisp. As in crispy baked chips. With chipotle dip. I’m hungry. Even more so now that I’m looking at her.
Wonder if she’s coming out of her sabbatical. Come back Posh!!!
Apparently she tucks into her sweats during the flight, then changes just before deplaning – this explains why, unlike us schlubs after a cross-Atlantic, her clothes are in perfect condition. Love the ensemble. And of course the tan Birkin, one of her 5,000.
Check out Romeo all cool with his iPod. He is the most beautiful boy. Is it wrong to be excited for what he’ll look like when he grows up?
Photos from