Finally…the blonde is gone. The blonde got old. And if there’s one thing Victoria abhors more than being fat, it is absolutely being old. As in passé. As in not relevant. She looks better as a brunette anyway.

Which is why Mrs Beckham spent 8 hours at the salon the other day, in preparation for the upcoming Spice Tour, going back to brown. EIGHT HOURS! Hate getting my hair done. You couldn’t pay me to sit in a chair for 8 hours just for hair. It’s a colossal waste of time.

But Posh is a perfectionist. She wanted a perfect shade. What’s 8 hours when it comes to getting it exactly right? What else does she have to do anyway?

I’m told she also wants to throw in some extensions when the time comes, though so far she’s been unhappy with the “product” that’s been presented to her so far. Understandably, this has been a major source of stress. Can you imagine?

I feel for my girl.
