Victoria Beckham: Coming to America totally made my life. And many of your lives too. Clocking in at just an hour, the general consensus was that it was too short. F*ck the critics who couldn’t get with it. Those who were supposed to buy it absolutely bought it.

And now comes word that Posh will become a reality tv regular in a show not necessarily exposing her life (too bad) but that follows Victoria deep into America, helping civilians improve their personal style.

Can you imagine?

VB in a trailer park talking a hick out of a perm? And ordering her to get rid of the acid wash? And presiding at the wedding of Billy Jimmy to his cousin Pammy Sue?

Please, please, please let this happen.

Pray Xenu make it happen.

Here’s Posh on the Project Runway finale last night with great makeup and lighting. She should hire Heidi’s crew!
