No idea what a Katherine Jenkins was until she introduced herself to me by announcing that she’d never had an affair with David Beckham...on Twitter. Of course. Apparently there were rumours. So she had to deny them. And then some crazy fan threatened her so she called the cops. And it’s all making headlines. But what else does a Katherine Jenkins do other than, ahem, supposedly not f-ck Victoria Beckham’s husband? Look at my hand as you’re about to tell me about an alleged career. If she had a career, why would she be on Dancing With The Stars?

While we try to find a use for a Katherine Jenkins, here’s Posh out with that adorably chunky H7 at a birthday party yesterday. I would totally wear H7’s sandals if they made them in adult size. In fact, I would probably wear her entire wardrobe if affordable, so probably not. To me, right now, she looks a lot like her third brother Cruz.