Always entertaining, the Beckhams. Always better together than they are apart. Love. Them.
And you are not seeing things.
Here are Victoria and David in NYC at Macy’s on Friday promoting their new fragrance Signature. She is wearing thigh high boots, 5 and a half inches… without a heel.
Bitch has probably been saving these for 2 months for the right occasion and no better time than this one – in New York, arriving to a crowd of hundreds who were waiting in the rain.
So apparently they’re more comfortable than they look. Like foot physics, designed for “perfect balance”. According to the designer Berardi “Having a heel is really just psychological.”
What about when you want to lean back? I’m always leaning back. I wouldn’t think these could hold me leaning back. Then again, I eat. A lot. And she doesn’t. Leaning back is probably a totally different concept for concrete tits and only bones.
Check him out with his hand on her ass. Signature indeed. The Beckhams’ choreographed touches make my life. The way he looks in a suit makes my loins…
How could I have EVER, EVER, EVER put Michael Phelps before the beautiful Becks?
I’m a stupid twat.
Photos from and and