Victoria and David Beckham went to the Lakers game last night and put on a very Beckham display: there was hand holding, there was neck rubbing, and there was my favourite move, her hand on his thigh. Very proprietary. Once in a while when I’m cold at a hockey game I’ll ask Jacek if he wants to play The Beckham which means that he puts his hand on my thigh to warm it up. You can do it in reverse too. His hand, obviously, has a lot more territory to cover than David.
Posh and Becks were also asked to perform for the kiss cam. They obliged. And their entire party had a good laugh out of it, only Posh covered her face every time she giggled because smiling with teeth and demonstrating that you can be silly and enjoy yourself is very unattractive. I mean, I get it in that some of the ugliest shots taken are when you’re laughing your ass off. Mid-guffaw is never a classic beauty shot. We’ve all had one of our own. In Victoria Beckham’s mind though, she can’t afford it. She can’t afford one unflattering image. She would rather look ridiculously contorted in a proper red carpet pose than have you see her with her mouth open having a good time. Either that or she’s part Asian. I swear that shit must be in our genes because I catch myself doing it sometimes.