In the recent issue of British Vogue, Victoria Beckham tells the magazine that:
“Maybe one day another baby, but at this stage I think the chances of a girl are quite slim.”
Not sure whether this interview took place before she found out she’s pregnant, but as I’m sure you’ve heard, she is pregnant, and she’s due in the summer, and they’re fronting like they don’t know the sex, so LaLa is still a possibility. Angel too. Because, obviously, the Beckhams seem to select baby names based on geographical inspiration. Los Angeles is next.
Me, I prefer LaLa Beckham over Angel Beckham but that might only be because I recently learned that that McCord twat from Beverly Hills 90210 has a sister called Angel.
Anyway, when I heard the expectant news yesterday, I started thinking about what Posh wants more. This is a tough one.
A baby girl? Or the cover of American Vogue?
If I were Anna Wintour I’d finally offer it to her now that she’s pregnant. It’s the ultimate Bitch Move. The only time Posh gets invited and she can’t be at her thinnest. Can you imagine?
As for how she’ll approach it this time around – with Cruz she stayed out of the spotlight as the pregnancy came, like, just after the Rebecca Loos and many others cheating scandal erupted. Since then however, pregnancy has become so popular, such a major trend, such a career booster, an instant MiniVan Majority connection, perhaps Posh will be more open with her belly this time around.
Right now the Beckhams are in England as David has been training with Tottenham. They were seen pulling up to their estate in Hertfordshire today.
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