And they say there are no surprises...
This year, the BAFTAs knew better than the SAGs. It’s not that Meryl was a long shot. Of course not. As you know, leading up to yesterday, it was a RACE, a legitimate race. But Viola had built up so much momentum and The Iron Lady was such a terrible movie, Viola was indeed favoured on Sunday morning. And yet, as Duana pointed out to me, no one is saying today that Viola was robbed. This is a good thing. That equals are competing, it is a good thing.
But how much do you f-cking love that Viola went to the Oscars without a weave, extensions, a wig, or the like? SO MUCH, right?
Does that make up for everything else that was going on under the hair? Because I hated the dress, particularly the bust. (I also hate the word bust and I wish she wasn’t making me use it here.) And the v dip between her breasts that showed them all pushed together. I don’t want to see one breast touching the other breast at the Oscars. Do I have a rulebook up my ass? Is this a problem for you too?