Don’t be mad at me but I’ve run out of time now and can’t write up the Fassy Zoey article from last night. They were at the CAA SmartWater party. Together. And OMG, it’s hot and crazy at the same time. But more on that later. To make up for how much I suck, please find attached some great photos of Michael Fassbender signing autographs for fans at his hotel yesterday and at the Shame presser today. He’s also junketing, and Laura’s interviewing him, and I kinda want to wait to hear her observations first before I shape my piece.
Am also attaching a few photos from the VitaminWater rooftop where the CAA party went down. Photos that are NOT included here include:
Fassy spending a lot of time smoking with Matthew Goode. They were really, really loud and laughy.
Clive Owen being awesome, walking around with a beer in his hand, a total stud.
Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas and, well, when I saw her I thought of Jennifer Westfeldt and, you know.
Diego Luna and Gael Garcia Bernal together because, obviously.
Alia Shawkat was Zoe Kravitz’s bff for the night!
Andrea Riseborough, who plays Wallis Simpson in W.E., is STUNNING.
Eddie Redmayne may be the nicest boy ever.
As for the photos:
James Franco attended screenings for both Martha Marcy May Marlene and Shame while in Toronto. He was pretty low key at the party. Jen McDonnell from noted that, amazingly, Franco was not working on an art instillation in the corner.
Ethan Hawke was really tanned. And I recognised his voice before I saw him. Maybe I’ve seen Reality Bites too many times. He’s a talker. Spent much of his time there talking to agents, producers, Hollywood people. It was work.
Emily Blunt, seen here with Bryan Lourd, has been so nice to everyone this entire festival. When you interview her, she makes you feel like she’s actually enjoying talking to you. It makes it easier on everyone. If for no other reason, I love her for this.
Glenn Close is so stately, so elegant, and... they’re saying she will go head to head with Meryl for the Oscar.
Emile Hirsch was asked to have his photo taken by the event’s official approved photographer. Everyone else had said yes. More important people than Emile Hirsch. So what was his response? “Piss off.” Nice, right? Eventually the photographer talked him into giving him a shot. But what a little prick.
I’m not sure about this dress on Jessica Chastain.
Gerard Butler rolled in with a huge entourage. So big that they gave him trouble at the door. Which he took offence to. It was all sorted out eventually but... well... he wasn’t exactly cool about it. Grumpy is a word. So is...aggressive. I’m just saying there may have been a different way to go about it.
And finally, as already noted, Dave Matthews the party favour, seen here also in an embrace, as he was with Ryan Gosling, with Colin Farrell. They walked in together. Colin last night? Has NEVER looked better.
Photos from Vitamin Water and Alberto E. Rodriguez/