The Academy has just announced that Jennifer Aniston will present at the Oscars. Pretty strong presenter list again this year: in addition to the Avengers and several nominees (including Ben Affleck, Jessica Chastain, and Jennifer Lawrence), Nicole Kidman, Halle Berry, Reese Witherspoon, and Sandra Bullock are also expected. So many American Sweethearts! And, huh, all of them are tight with Clooney and Affleck. Would they want to be in the same room with them if they lose if they didn’t vote the right way? Maybe Argo is a lock after all.
Anyway re: Jennifer Aniston -- there’s a new report originating from a UK magazine called Closer that she and Justin Theroux will get married after the Oscars. Bullsh-t. Because it’s Closer. End of discussion.
But will she bring her fiancé to the big show? It would his first Oscar as a VIP. A guy like Justin Theroux, who so seemingly mercenarily upgraded to Aniston, doesn’t turn down this kind of opportunity, right? It’s really too bad then that there will be no Brange. Just got a flashback of this. Remember this?