If you haven"t seen Drew Barrymore"s answer to all the breast criticism from the Golden Globes last week - check out the clip from Just Jared. She is impossibly sweet. And like I said several days ago, where many of you saw dreary, I only saw delicious. As for whether or not - as you"ve asked in your emails - she"s pregnant, I have no idea. I assume the suggestion is out there because of the size of her jubs and also because of the observation that appeared in Liz Smith"s column last week about Drew crying at the drop of a hat these days. However (and this is not to say that she"s NOT with mini-Fab because she very well could be) the girl has always had enormous tits, and given the fact that she dropped a ton of weight a while ago and seems to have filled out nicely again these days, it"s not entirely out of the ordinary that her boobs took on some added padding as well. And to my knowledge, Drew has always been a weepy sort, like my best friend Erin - who cries even when she gets those sappy ass chain emails about "living each day to the fullest" and "dancing like there"s no one watching." Anyway, I"ll keep digging on this one and as always, when I know, so will you.