Of all the stars that Xenu has taken from us, none is more heartbreaking than Will Smith. Who doesn’t love Will Smith? We all love Will Smith. Which is why Xenu and Tom Cruise covet him so.
As you know, Will’s friendship with Tom, allegedly (according to Andrew Morton) Xenu’s #2, continues to blossom. So much so that Will is now not so subtly promoting the cause.
It is customary for a star to thank crew members when shooting wraps with Wrap Presents. Renee Zellweger is said to be among the most generous Wrap Present givers. Recently, after filming was completed on Hancock, Will’s Wrap Present to the crew, according to the NY Daily News, was a Gift Card “good for a personality test at your local Scientology Centre” where Xenu’s disciples can assess your personality defects and then propose an immediate foolproof cure – for a fee, of course.
Will is giving the gift of Xenu. Praise Thetan, ah-Xenu!
Here"s Will in Germany this week promoting I Am Legend.
Photo from Wenn.com