Anne Hathaway in New York today promoting Serenity in multiple outfits built around coats. Let’s start with the green one. Because that is suuuuuuch a great colour on her with the reddish way she’s wearing her hair right now. It’s the kind of coat you immediately want to touch, it’s so velvety and rich. Also it’s a coat you’ll have forever. There will always be time for this coat. And it looks great with that merlot skirt. 

As for the plaid coat – it’s a good one too although I wish it was paired with something less shiny. I mean I get what we’re doing here with the colours and the whole Mad Men/Mrs Maisel vibe and maybe that’s the problem, my problem, because, SORRY, but I just don’t care about The Marvelous Mrs Maisel, not even the wardrobe excites me.