It’s tricky having tomato red hair when the backdrop of the photo wall is also tomato red. This is what happened with Bebe Rexha last night at the AMAs. She performed with Doja Cat and this is what I meant earlier in my post about BTS when I talked about their difference in the scale and sophistication of the sets. Bebe and Doja Cat’s set ended up looking like papier-maché when you consider how BTS closed the show. (Go Fug Yourself) 


Speaking of cats…this cat is such an honest performer. It is reacting to sour cream the way I react to raisins and turkey, either together or separately. I love sour cream and so do my dogs, so this wouldn’t be their reaction. But, curiously, if there’s one thing they’re not that enthusiastic about – and beagles are enthusiastic about ANY food – it’s avocado. That’s not to say they won’t eat it though. Of course they’ll eat it. Because they’re idiots. (Dlisted) 

I love everything about Amber Ruffin. Her fits are on point. And her segment, “Listen to a Black Woman”, is all the points. My favourite point in this installment is what she said about dating apps: “You do not need to be meeting up with some strange man at a bar so he can tell you how much he loves David Fincher”. LOLOLOLOLOLOL (Pajiba) 

It’s been a question I have asked often over the last few years about Prince William and Kate’s dog, Lupo: where is he? This is not the answer anyone wanted. Lupo has died. He was only nine. If you have experienced the loss of a pet, you know this pain. The home just doesn’t feel right without them there. Pour one out for Lupo. He was loved – so loved! He was loved around the world! Remember when people got mad on his behalf because Big G gave him ice cream and it’s not great for dogs? Pretty sure Lupo, or any dog really, didn’t think that was the worst day of his life. Hopefully more ice cream wherever Lupo is now. Ice cream and lots and lots of long runs and fun things to chase. (Cele|bitchy) 

The baby panda has a name! It is an excellent name. This is exactly what we need on a Monday – more panda content. Look at this little guy! Look at his chubby little body! (CNN)