Beyoncé and Jay-Z wrapped up the first leg of OTR2 in the UK and Europe this past Tuesday. They now have a few days off before taking the tour to North America – Cleveland is the first show on July 25th. Here they are on Tuesday in Nice. I feel like OTR2, so far, has been a working holiday for them. They giv’er on stage but they’ve also been seen on their off days in Italy and the South of France, getting in their yacht time. Our Queen has worked hard. She was putting together Beychella and OTR2 and the "Apesh-t" video and whatever other secrets she’s about to unveil for the first half of the year. And so she needs to indulge. That’s part of work too. As both Eliza and Angelica told Alexander, “take a break”. No good work can come of no breaks.
So on this break, the Carters are joined by Miss Tina and Richard Lawson, and Julez!, and also Bono, for dinner the other night. We know this because Miss Tina put it on Instagram, as she does:
Beyoncé’s groovin’ to Van Morrison. And no one puts Beyoncé on camera groovin’ to anything – Julius would take care of that. Except…well… Miss Tina is the exception. This is one of the reasons Miss Tina’s IG is so amazing. She knows her daughters think she’s corny. And she knows they’re all about not wanting to be seen until they decide they want to be seen. And she doesn’t give a sh-t. She’s being the “mamarazzi” (LOL) and they can’t do anything about it.
The other side of this, however, is that Beyoncé and Solange know, no matter what, that they can trust their mother. And this is what makes it work in the end. They’ll eye-roll over her IG obsession, but they’ll indulge her all the same because they don’t have a choice, sure, but also because she would never compromise them. Not the case, ahem, with all parents of famous people.