In the Britney Spears Conservatorship Drama, everyone has been focused on Jamie Spears, Britney’s father and conservator. But Britney took to Instagram to let us know that her dad is too dumb to think of a conservatorship on his own, and actually it was her mom, Lynne Spears, whispering that idea into his ear like a Southern fried Lady Macbeth. This whole situation is twisted on many levels, but it starts with “nothing good comes from turning your kid into a business”. (DListed)


Sarah Snook looked smashing in a Shiv-inspired dress at the Harper’s Bazaar UK’s Women of the Year event. (Go Fug Yourself)

Jodie Turner-Smith and Joshua Jackson are BIG couple goals in J. Crew’s holiday campaign. The way he looks at her! (Celebitchy)

Need a laugh? Revisit band promo photos from the 80s and 90s. Like honestly, Spinal Tap didn’t go far enough. (OMG Blog)

The science side of Youtube is having spon-con drama. But really, when your platform is “explaining advanced concepts to laypeople” and you earn a certain amount of public trust doing that, can you afford to hawk Google’s newest product in a shady deal, especially if the jury is still out on the tech? (Pajiba)